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tv   News 4 Today  NBC  September 15, 2012 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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anger over an antimuslim film continues to spread across the middle east and may be blamed for another attack on americans plus a warning for women who use metro this morning after a violent attack. who police are looking for this morning. good morning everyone. thank you for joining us. i'm angie goff i'm richard jordan. welcome to news 4 today on this saturday, september 15th. the last couple days have been great. see if it'll stick around for the weekend. you made fun of me because i walked in wearing a cape. a huge coat. it was not a coat. it was a cape. i didn't have arms.
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you would agree this was a coat. it is a little cool out there. a little bit. a little on the chilly side no doubt about that. i don't know whether it's cape worthy. i wouldn't wear a cape unless i had a shirt with an "s" to go with it. that's just me. this morning a mostly clear sky. if you haven't been outside yet there is a nice refreshing northwesterly breeze as well behind a weather front which is dropping some slightly cooler air back into the area. i think you'll appreciate the weekend. temperature right now 68 right here in washington. still 70 in annapolis. 59 now out toward the shenandoah valley. 57 degrees in winchester and front royal. 59 in martinsburg, west virginia. nothing showing up on radar. it's a dry start to the weekend. closest rain drops to us are moving away going through new york city heading out toward boston. for us, today, mild and dry. plenty of sunshine. highs today mid to upper 70s. so a little cooler than yesterday's low 80s but still not bad. then for tomorrow more of the same. your weekend is looking very nice.
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high and dry but rain chances will be coming back very, very soon. don't forget it's a saturday in the fall. that means college football forecast. who, when, and where? send your game requests to me at we're following a developing story out of afghanistan. two u.s. marines are dead and several other troops injured in an attack on the british base where prince harry is stationed. the attack happened overnight at camp bastion in the helman province. officials say all of the casualties appear to be americans. prince harry was a mile away when the attack happened. he was not harmed. the taliban recently announced they plan to capture or kill prince harry during his latest deployment to afghanistan. also developing protests sparked by an antiislam film are spreading outside of the middle east this morning. demonstrators have taken to the streets of more than 20
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countries and more than 40 cities around the world. protests in places like malaysia, indonesia, pakistan, and india remain mostly peaceful while more violence is erupting in the middle east. at least seven have been killed and dozens more injured in these protests. other western embassies such as the german and british consul e consulates have also come under fire in sudan. the bodies of four americans killed in libya during the assault on an embassy earlier this week are now back home. president obama and secretary of state hillary clinton attended a ceremony for slain ambassador chris stevens and his three colleagues at joint base andrews yesterday. they were killed when armed protesters mobbed the u.s. consulate in benghazi on tuesday, the anniversary of september 11. the president vowed to find those responsible. we will bring to justice those who took them from us. even in our grief, we will be
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resolute, for we are americans and we hold our head high. the president also met privately with family members of the four men. new this morning thousands gathered in south korea to honor and celebrate the life of reverend sun yung moon who died earlier this month from complications of pneumonia. he was the founder of the unification church and gained worldwide attention for conducting mass weddings. moon was accused of brain washing recruits but considered himself the modern day messiah and had thousands of followers. he was 92 years old d.c. police have released surveillance video of a man they saw sexually assaulted a woman near a metro station. they're asking for your help in finding him. >> reporter: this is security camera video from the dean wood metro station in northeast washington thursday, september 6th around 11:18 p.m. as a train pulled into the station. watch the suspect. he's wearing a white polo shirt
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with a broad, dark horizontal stripe across the middle. he timed the walk through the tunnel so that eventually he and the victim were alone. he followed her two blocks to 45th place northeast and sexually assaulted her at gun point. this is a computer generated sketch of the suspect created from information from the woman who was attacked. she told investigators the man was in his early 20s, 5'7", 160 pounds with a medium complexion. i had not heard anything. >> reporter: women who use the dean wood station told news 4 they are unaware of the crime. some expressed frustration at not seeing more of a regular police presence here late at night and in the recally morning hours. i always said there needed to be more security because when i come in here someone was following me. i was talking to the police and the second time i got followed. the times that i do come through, i do see cops usually with some type of incident. >> reporter: it is not clear whether this crime may be connected to any other similar
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incidents in the area. there is a $1,000 reward for information in this case. reporting from northeast washington, jackie bensen, news 4 now to a story you saw first on news 4 at 5:00 for a second time in a month a brazen robbery at a high end boutique in chevy chase. witnesses say four men sran int saks and ran off with designer handbags. they jumped into a car but a store employee wasn't going to let them get away easy. she runs out in front of the car and she does like this. then she runs to the door. she is trying to hold the door. last month a similar robbery was reported at saks 5th avenue just across the street. police say the suspects got away with $75,000 worth of designer handbags. police are investigating if the
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two crimes are connected a local undocumented immigrant who says he was scammed out of a winning lottery ticket is now being held by immigration officials. ramone ortiz hit the lottery in maryland two years ago. because he doesn't have a social security number he asked a co-worker to claim the $450,000 payout. he claims that co-worker kept his money. he is now suing her for fraud. his attorneys say the fraud case will move forward while ortiz's fate is being decided some d.c. residents dealing with swarms of mosquitos could soon get help from the district's urban forestry administration. people were concerned that the mosquitos could bring west nile virus and were trying to get rid of all the bugs. the urban forestry group says one of the causes is these cane oppy keepers. d.c. officials are reminding those who take care of the trees to clean out the basins once a week to get rid of the standing water.
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in the meantime get a lot of repellent with a lot of deet. they say wear long sleeves if you're out at dusk and dawn. don't want to get bitten. no you don't. the time is 6:07. folks, coming up on news 4 today stirring up trouble. the drink named after marion barry that landed a local bar in trouble. plus why you may be w
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so the 9:15 meeting looks like it's going to start a little late...
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um, but i uh... (interupting) oh okay - okay yup that's fine. excuse me - sorry. yes! vo: from the new, to the hard to find: when it's on your mind, it's on ebay™.
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good news in chicago this morning. it appears the week-long teachers strike could soon be coming to an end. the president of the city school board says the district and the union have agreed on a framework of a deal and expects students to return to class on monday. the teachers went on strike earlier this week complaining about the evaluation system and class size. union delegates are expected to vote tomorrow on whether to agree to the terms and end the strike. a final farewell to the first man to step foot on the moon, neil armstrong's cremated remains were buried in the atlantic ocean during a ceremony yesterday.
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armstrong's widow carol helped pass the remains overboard and was presented with an american flag. this follows a memorial service thursday at the national cathedral attended by more than 1500 people. armstrong passed away last month following complications from heart surgery. he was 82 years old. a popular drink at a northeast d.c. bar is under fire for its controversial name. the pug on h street was serving a cocktail called marion barry's dirty asian summer punch accompanied by a sign with an asian caricature. the drink was in response to comments barry made last spring about asian business owners. according to "the washington post" d.c.'s office of human rights ordered the bar to remove the drink from the menu or face a $10,000 fine. >> it was all in jest. really, no one took it seriously. people saw it. they laughed. if people questioned it, like after sitting here for two minutes, asking somebody that worked here about it they're like okay.
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we get it now. >> the bar owner who is asian didn't take the drink off the menu. it is now renamed banned in d.c. or the punch with no name. >> i like the punch with no name. that has a ring to it. >> i won't even touch this one. >> okay. do you know what your bacon number is? here is a hint. it has nothing to do with what is for breakfast. coming up a new tool on google tracing all kinds of celebrities back to the famous. >> a live look outside. you'll want to spend the day outdoors before big changes roll in. storm team 4 meteorologist chuck bell is in the house and will tell us when we can expect the rain. you're watching news 4 today the weekend edition. connect with us online on facebook and twitter. search at news 4 today. now sink your teeth into that big n' toasted if you're ready to soar. good. exits are here, here, and here. a big day calls for the big n' toasted breakfast sandwich.
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grab yours at dunkin' donuts.
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and those well grounded. for what's around this corner... and the next. there's cash flow options from pnc. solutions to help businesses like yours accelerate receivables, manage payments, and help ensure access to credit. because we know how important cash flow is to reaching your goals.
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pnc bank. for the achiever in you. and i've got my pumpkin k-cup packs for at home. now i can have my pumpkin coffee any time i want it. pumpkin's perfect. it's dunkin' with the press of a button. new pumpkin k-cup packs, only at dunkin' restaurants. america runs on dunkin' coffee.
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firefighters are battling a fast moving wildfire in los angeles this morning that could threaten some huge homes. the fire broke out yesterday afternoon and has already burned more than 70 acres. it's located in the foothills near the 405 freeway. smoke snarled rush hour traffic last night and forced the evacuation of the getty center art museum. the area is known for its large mansions. more than 200 firefighters and five helicopters and planes are battling the blaze, which is now about 40% contained. well looking at weather here it looks like a nice weekend may be ahead. >> yes indeed. i like your chances. if you want to do something outside this weekend i think you're going to be able to get it in. the weather won't be much of a problem. be extra careful. you guys probably noticed this on your way out the door this morning as i did. a gusty north wind first thing. >> yes. i put my cape on and then i got made fun of. >> she likes her cape to blow in the wind. the whole effect. >> now it makes sense. otherwise it would have been a jacket but a cape and a nice breeze, kids, if you're a
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5-year-old who wants to play get your cape on and go out in the front yard today. nice north breeze out there this morning. you'll keep the cape flapping in the breeze for hours of early morning fun. outside it's a mostly clear sky now. there were some clouds up there two or three hours ago when i was on my way into work and there are very few of them left. there you can see in our beautiful picture over downtown this morning a mostly clear skies. one or two little clouds. that's it. 60 degrees our current temperature. there is that wind out of the north averaging 22 miles an hour gusting close to 30 miles per hour at times. i think this gusty wind will be with us through at least the first half of the day and the breeze may not really lay down until along about sunset time this evening. so current temperatures. 50 is out in the shenandoah valley. mid 60s in northern virginia. upper 60s in town. near 70 alongside the bay. 61 right now in gaithersburg, maryland. your saturday planner mild, dry, and filled with sunshine.
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the only real knock on today is a breeze but you know what that means. kite flying weather today. take your favorite kite down to the national mall. a great day for kite flying today. no chance for rain around here today. nearest rain drops are up across eastern new england moving away from us so we don't need to worry about those at all. high pressure is building on in. there goes the cold front which has brought us our northerly wind here first thing this morning. as that pushes further away high pressure moves on in. that'll take the wind away for the overnight hours tonight into early tomorrow. then as the area of high pressure moves away a cool start will turn into a mild afternoon tomorrow but the sunshine tomorrow will start to fade out. by late in the day central virginia might see a couple rain drops moving in. most of us will wait until monday sometime morning rush to lunch time before the rain drops settle in. once they get here it could be quite a soaker which we desperately need. we're almost 7 inches behind in rainfall for the year. this monday/tuesday rain event washes it all in here, takes the pollen, ragweed out of the air
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by monday/tuesday. that is welcomed news and more important than that heavy rain on average 1 to in some places as much as 3 inches of needed rainfall. that's monday, monday night, tuesday, tuesday night time frame. so today nothing to worry about. sunny and breezy and mild. highs today mid to upper 70s. crisp and cool overnight tonight. temperatures upper 40s out west to mid 50s around town. there's the extended forecast. near 79 degrees today and tomorrow, an average high temperature for this time of the year. there's our rain chances for monday and tuesday. may have to sneak that drop into wednesday morning but it doesn't look like it'll last much longer than that. college football forecast, terapins playing host to connecticut today in college park 12:30 kickoff, 75 degrees and a good game, the coach of the terapins, his previous employer the connecticut huskies. >> ah. u-conn. let's go terps. >> okay. we're rooting for the home team. that's us. >> okay.
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there are a lot of reasons to get outside today. a beautiful, late summer weekend, a great time to get out and enjoy the d.c. area. >> this weekend there are several events that won't cost you a dime. we'll go to the news 4 super screen with a look at what's free in the dmv. >> i have this week's free in the dmv. bring on the fun this weekend without spending a dime. today at the national archives there is a film screening of the 1960s movie "inherit the wind." the movie was nominated for four academy awards and starts at noon. also in arlington free meditation class in spanish from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the arlington central library. and who doesn't love chocolate? free chocolate tasting today. it's on u street. sample over 14 different chocolates from around the world from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. tomorrow on sunday make sure you
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check out music at the kennedy center's millennium stage. the group specializes in traditional music from southern vera cruz, mexico. the concert starts at 6:00. enjoy. >> a lot of fun stuff. we'll turn to sports now. the nats fighting a division rival and good news for caps fans. >> we have it all this morning in the sports in a minute. >> good morning. your sports minute begins with an nl east battle. nationals in atlanta visiting the braves. top six, bryce harper hits his 19th home run of the season off chris medlin. braves starter struck out a career high 13 but the mistake to harper costs him. bottom 9, ian desmond cost the nats his throw home goes wide. simmons scores. the game-winning run. braves beat the nats, 2-1.
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news from the caps. the team has signed defenseman john carlson to a six-year $23.8 million contract extension. last year the 22-year-old led the team in blocked shots and recorded 32 points, setting a career high in goals scored. and this afternoon at 12:00 randy edsel faces his former team as the terps take on the u-conn huskies at bird stadium. maryland looking to improve to 3-0 for the first time since 2001. and don't forget fedex field playing host to college football. james madison and west virginia kick off 4:30 p.m. that's your sports minute. hope you have a great saturday. the john carlson signing may be the last bit of good news capitals fans hear for a while. the nhl is set to lock out the players at midnight tonight. the two sides have not come to an agreement on a new collective bargaining agreement. the current one expires tonight. the league is asking the players to take a smaller cut of revenue. regular season games are scheduled to start in early
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october. not a great start to an important road trip for the orioles. they fell in a tight game to the oakland as last night, 3-2. chris davis did homer in the loss. fortunately the yankees also lost last night to the birds, stayed tied in the al east. the orioles look to turn it around tonight in oakland. a gold medal, american record, and now a shoutout from the president. >> cady may have been swimming in london but still had to finish the summer reading assignments for her high school english class. there she is. >> all right. well, cut him some slack there for the pronunciation but bethesda native katie ledecky was among the dozens honored at the white house yesterday and she got a prime seat right next to vice president joe biden. katie also brought some of her stone ridge classmates with her. baltimore native and the most
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decorated olympian ever michael phelps was also on hand. even a nats loss could not keep nationals park from rocking last night. that's what happens when the boss is in town. ♪ >> bruce springsteen and the e street band treated 38,000 fans to an awesome concert at the ballpark last night. they performed a mix of old and new hits as part of the wrecking ball tour including racing in the streets, which springsteen dedicated to the veterans in the crowd. if you haven't already ordered the new iphone 5 you might have to wait a few weeks. it was available for preorder yesterday morning but a few hours later the apple site started telling customers phones would start shipping out in two weeks. the bigger, faster iphone is set to come out friday the 21st. technology analysts say if you missed out on the preorder you can wait in line next friday to try and get the phone.
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the old fashioned way, wait in line. >> i'm not due for an upgrade so i'm bummed. >> oh, well. kevin bacon once said he is in so many movies any actor could be connected to him within six degrees. >> now google is helping out with the six degrees of kevin bacon search game. all you have to do is go to the search engine home page type in any actor's name or actress's name and type in the word bacon number and you will get your answer. surprisingly, most actors are only two degrees away from kevin bacon, but justin bieber is four away from mr. bacon so it looks like the biebs will have to get into movies now. i actually did richard jordan and bacon number and your bacon number is 2 because richard jordan appeared in the men's club and frank appeared with kevin bacon. >> i didn't know you were doing that. i did angie goff. nothing. >> didn't even come up. >> you better get in some
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movies. >> very cool. >> yeah. >> the time right now 6:26. coming up on news 4 today, honored for his bravery the award given to a security guard shot during an attack on a conservative d.c. lobbying group. plus the latest developments overnight from the middle east overnight from the middle east as violence over an a this message. experiences classrooms. sizes don't matter... by 20%. teaching to some test... he personally cannot relate to. education, children.
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hi everyone. good morning and welcome to news 4 today. i'm richard jordan. >> i'm angie goff. it is saturday, september 15th. we've been talking about it all morning just how nice and breezy it is out this morning. >> breezy. a little too breezy for you though. >> a little bit. feels good though. >> let's go to storm team 4 meteorologist chuck bell with details on the forecast. >> good morning, everybody. saturday off to a bit of a blustery start first thing. winds out of the north averaging 15 to 25 miles per hour so be ready for a nice, refreshing
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breeze first thing this morning under a mostly clear sky as well as you look northbound toward the jefferson memorial, the washington monument, way up there. you find the jefferson on the right side just up there is the national shrine. beautiful big church up in northeast washington. so it is 68 degrees at reagan national airport right now. 61 degrees in chevy chase, maryland. 64 in burke, virginia this morning. 61 degrees in ashburn and leesburg. here's your saturday planner. mild and dry and breezy are the three best words to describe your saturday afternoon. highs today will reach up into the mid and upper 70s. a little cooler north and west. then for tomorrow after a cool start tomorrow morning, temperatures will once again with plenty of sunshine reach the middle and upper 70s with a chance for some clouds by late in the day tomorrow. college football forecast, penn state and navy playing up in state college today. it's a 3:30 kickoff, 71 degrees up in state college for the football game today. perfect weather. if you need to see your game on tv during the 9:00 hour who is
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playing, when they're playing and where, send your request to me chuck.bell@nbc a man is fighting for his life after a double shooting in southeast. this happened a little after 2:00 this morning on the 1200 block of 12th street not far from navy yard. police say they arrived to find two men shot. one of them shot in the head. his injuries are considered life threatening. the other man was still alert. his injuries are not life threatening. both have been taken to a nearby hospital. so far no arrests have been made. a security guard is being honored for his bravery as shots rang out inside a conservative lobbying group in d.c. >> leo johnson took a bullet wrestling a gunman to the ground. shomari stone has more on his heroic actions. >> reporter: a standing ovation for leo johnson. as he walks centerstage with his arm in a sling recovering from a gunshot wound. the family research council
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security guard accepts a faith, family, and freedom award for his heroism. how did it feel to receive that award? >> great. it was a tremendous honor. wasn't expecting it. >> reporter: he wasn't expecting his life to change on august 15th when police say floyd lee corkins ii shot him in the arm. were you scared? >> no. i was never scared. probably never been more calm. i realized what the situation was. >> reporter: investigators say corkins walked into the family research council headquarters with a handgun, extra ammunition, and 15 chick-fil-a sandwiches. he had recently volunteered at a gay rights organization and allegedly told leo he didn't like the family research council's politics and opened fire. leo wrestled the gun away even after being shot. >> i had to act or else there would be lives lost. >> reporter: tonight, a month later, he says divine intervention saved his life. >> if not for the lord and his strength and giving it to me, i wouldn't be here before you guys today. you see an outpouring of love
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and support. it really made me feel good. >> reporter: leo hopes to return to work over the next few months. floyd lee corkins ii pleaded not guilty to assault and handgun charges a few weeks ago. now as for his next court appearance it's on october 1st. in northwest d.c. in front of the family research council headquarters i'm shomari stone, news 4. to a developing story this morning. protests sparked by an antiislam film are spreading outside of the middle east. demonstrators have taken to the streets in more than 20 countries and nearly 40 cities around the world. protests in places like malaysia, indonesia, pakistan, and india remain mostly peaceful while more violence is erupting in the middle east. at least seven have been killed and dozens injured in the protests. other western embassies such as the german and british consulates have also come under fire in sudan. american schools, fast food chains are also being targeted. with increasing uncertainty overseas the republican white house hopefuls once again
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slammed president obama for his foreign policies. at the values voter summit here in d.c. yesterday, paul ryan says the president is not strong enough to lead america in these difficult times. >> amid all these threats and dangers what we do not see is steady, consistent, american leadership. in the days ahead and in the years ahead american foreign policy needs moral clarity and firmness of purpose. they're lost. 23 million people -- >> he traveled to harrisonburg, virginia for a rally then ended his day at a private fundraiser in roanoke. president obama holds a slight lead over mitt romney in the general election polls and it appears the democratic convention has given him a boost in some other polls as well. a new "new york times"/cbs news poll shows 45% of registered voters view the president favorably compared to 41% unfavorably. that's a reversal from the same question in august when he had a
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higher unfavorable rating. as for mitt romney 33% of voters have a positive view of him while 40% have an unfavorable opinion. today a local martial arts academy hopes to raise money for the family of a murdered maryland teen while also promoting self-defense. full circle martial arts will hold a self-defense seminar today to support the family of amber stanley. amber was shot to death while sleeping last month when a gunman broke into her family home. the seminar will be held at amber's high school in springdale. the cost is $20 and all proceeds will be donated to the amber stanley fund. there have still been no arrests made in amber's murder. friends and fellow students of another prince george's county teen killed on his way to school are making sure his life is not forgotten. students, staff, and family paid tribute to the memory of markel ross yesterday. they released light blue balloons on the football field at central high in capital heights. that was his favorite color. markel was shot and killed earlier this week on the way to
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school. >> holding on, praying. if it wasn't for all my support i don't know if i could make it's hard. it's hard. i want to know who did this to my son and why. >> police also went to back to school night on thursday at central high to talk to parents about the case. montgomery county police are investigating a drowning in the potomac river. investigators say a man entered the water near river bend park in virginia and waded to the middle of the river yesterday. he then got trapped beneath a rock upstream from great falls. police have not yet identified the victim but say there doesn't seem to be any evidence of foul play. a tense moment at reagan national as a man tried to bring this gun on to a plane yesterday. that man who was from west virginia was traveling to detroit. he also had a magazine clip with ammunition in it. the tsa found the gun during an x-ray of man's carry on bag. they confiscated it and cited him for violating a state
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weapons law. the man did make his scheduled flight to detroit. the time right now is 6:37. coming up on news 4 today, it's a new twist on home delivery. the new online membership that will have you finding a pleasant surprise on your door step. plus, fighting back. the actions of britain's royal family after moraysy photos are published.
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an alexandra man will spend the next 30 years in prison for trying to blow up the u.s. capitol. he pleaded guilty earlier this year for planning to launch the terrorist attack. he volunteered for a suicide mission in february, arranging to pick up a vest laced with explosives but his connections were actually undercover fbi agents. the 30 years was the maximum sentence under his plea deal. one of the oldest cold case murders in the u.s. to go to
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trial is now closed. a judge found a former washington state police officer guilty of killing a 7-year-old girl 55 years ago. jack mccullough told police he took a train to chicago for a medical exam but one of his former girlfriends contacted police four years ago and says she found the train ticket unused and it was dated the day the girl was kidnapped. he is set to be sentenced in november. the "today" show is coming up next. let's find out what they're working on. >> lester holt joins us live from new york. good morning, lester. >> good morning. coming up on a saturday morning on "today" a man linked to the controversial anti-islam filmta overnight as the four men killed in the libyan embassy attack are brought home and honored as heroes and protests continue overseas. we'll have complete coverage of it all. also ahead, britain's royal family is said to be furious over topless photos of kate middleton published in a french magazine. this morning find out what they're doing in response. plus, what mcdonald's is set
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to post calorie counts nationwide and we'll show you how to choose healthier breakfast items from its menu and at starbucks as well. and tomorrow we'll celebrate 25 years of "weekend today" so we'll take a look back and see how the world has changed from 1987 until now. all that and much more when we get started on a saturday morning here on "today." back to you now. >> just a few changes in the last couple years. right, lester? all right. thanks a lot. see you later. >> 1987? i was still in college. >> really? >> let's not say where we were. >> yes. let's not go there. >> do a little investigative reporting and find out exactly how old you guys were in 1987. >> i rely on facebook. i was born in 1992 or something. >> oh, yeah. '92. >> i don't know. >> yikes. >> talking about the weather, it's weatherman's orders get outside today. >> absolutely right. one of those great weekend days to get outside and enjoy it.
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it can't last forever. we'll talk about when the changes may come, next. >> you are watching news 4 today the weekend edition. make sure to follow us on twitter and facebook. we are online right now.
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a massive volcano in guatemala appears to have stopped erupting, allowing thousands to return to their homes. it's one of the world's most active volcanos and this was one of the biggest eruptions in 40 years. they're attracting lots of tourists who want to see the volcano up close. so far there have been no reports of injuries from the volcanic eruptions. i don't know if i'd want to see a volcano up close this soon. >> that video was good enough for me. >> i like the ones that are not still smoking. >> you're one of those people that would run into the eye of a hurricane too. everybody has their thing.
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>> well, i have been in the eye of a hurricane several times and it is something fun to experience as long as you're not the property owner riding out the storm waiting for the eye to get to you. i've flown through it as well. it can be fun but that is with people who know what they're doing not on a delta airplane aircraft. outside on your saturday a beautiful, clear sky out there this morning. a nice breeze as well out of the north averaging more than 20 miles per hour. look at the great picture there. there is the washington monument standing proud. 555 feet and 5 inches tall and nary a cloud to be seen. 68 degrees in town. the north wind averaging 22 miles per hour down at national airport. the north wind will be with us through at least lunch time today and it may be 4:00 or 5:00 this afternoon before the breeze really starts to lay down at all. 59 degrees now in gaithersburg and a lot more 50s on the map tomorrow morning than today. you folks in the 50s out here, the lower 50s, shenandoah valley out near the mountains, there
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are going to be 40s on the map tomorrow morning, there. a little milder in town in bayside by tomorrow morning. here's your saturday planner. no complaints at all unless you just don't like a nice breeze. that's about the only thing you could complain about today. temperatures will reach into the mid and upper 70s today. no chance for rain. if you're doing any traveling up and down the eastern seaboard, dry until you get to new york and new england but even those rain showers will be gone by about noon time if not sooner today. so a nice breeze for us on the heels of that weather front that drifted on by. we made the low 80s yesterday and as i mentioned will be mid to upper 70s today. high pressure settling in. plenty of sunshine today. clear skies and the wind with the high pressure area drifting right overhead late tonight into early tomorrow. that'll pretty much take all of the breeze away. and clear skies and a light breeze will allow for a very chilly start first thing tomorrow morning. then tomorrow bright sunshine to start but sunshine will start to fade out behind some mid and high level clouds by tomorrow afternoon. and by the time we get on into
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the monday/tuesday time frame all of this moisture in the gulf coast is all coming in our direction so rain is ahead. could be as early as monday morning commute but most of us may have to wait until about lunch time or so before the real heavy stuff moves on in. once it starts to rain, monday lunch time through monday night, tuesday, and maybe tuesday night as well, could get one to as much as three inches of rain on average. so that'll be quite a soaking we need. today, sunny and nice. highs today mid to upper 70s. clear and chilly tonight. lows 40s out west to mid and upper 50s in town. there's your extended forecast. 79 today. tomorrow, mid 70s with a lot of rain here monday, monday night, tuesday. be ready for that. west virginia mountaineers are in landover, maryland today playing at fedex field. the dukes and james madison are coming to town to play them so a nice day at fedex field. if you need to see your game on during the 9:00 hour there is the address of choice. >> all right. thanks, chuck. restoring power faster after
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another major storm may not happen any time soon. utilities met with the maryland public service commission yesterday and told them june's storm response was acceptable in their eyes. they say that significant changes like burying lines would have to be made in order to cut down on restoration times. and that a 24 to 48-hour restoration is nearly impossible. some customers were without electricity for nearly nine days after the summer storm. ordering items off the internet and having them shipped to you is considered normal and routine now but some companies are taking it to another level. >> news 4's liz crenshaw shows us the latest trend in online shopping. door step surprises. >> kind of fun. you always forget it's coming. >> reporter: katherine cole of northwest washington is talking about unique products and services she signs up for online. >> i receive beauty product samples, produce, and flower arrangements. monthly or biweekly depending. >> reporter: it is a growing
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trend that allows consumers to sample products without breaking the bank. first up a service called birch box. >> then you get in the mail this cute little brown box. >> reporter: inside a handful of beauty samples to keep. >> and they gave me a face cream for firming, an eyeliner pencil which i will definitely use. there is a perform by juicy couture. >> reporter: cole also subscribes to h. bloom. for $35 per arrangement she has flowers delivered every other week. >> i typically have them delivered on wednesdays so if i'm around on the weekends i can enjoy them. >> reporter: when it comes to fresh produce? >> honestly i'm not one to go out and grocery shop and then cook. >> reporter: so cole relies on from the farmer, a delivery service from local farms cole pays $35 for a half bushel. >> potatoes they gave me, some cherry tomatoes, egg plant. >> reporter: signing up for the
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door step surprises is growing in popularity and even marketed toward men. for about $12 a month, tie try allows guys to pick out brand name neck ties, borrow them, and return them before the next set of ties are shipped out. >> this is what we refer to as the netflix model. and in this case, in the fashion context. >> reporter: this marketing professor at the university of maryland says entrepreneurs established these sites and targeted an important niche. >> they've identified a need in people to seek variety at low cost. it is a really good way of trying items that you don't want to invest money in paying for and this allows you to do that. >> reporter: for cole the convenience is well worth the cost. >> anything you can do to save a little bit of extra time, i think that's worth the trade-off. >> reporter: liz crenshaw, news 4 today. as with any online service,
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remember to read the fine print. some companies won't allow you to cancel your membership for a certain length of time which could be a problem if your financial situation changes. >> you like to do this, right? >> actually this tie i got from tie try. >> it sure is. >> if you like it, it'll be going back soon. >> i'm big on rent the runway renting formal dresses because there are so many events in the d.c. area. something i newly discovered and wrote about on the blog was renting baby clothes. >> yeah. they grow out of it so fast. >> exactly. >> if you don't get spit up on that's fine. >> they even have insurance plans. you pay a few extra dollars and they clean it for you. very convenient. a lot of the services you mail them back for free. they provide the packaging. >> really easy. the time right now is 6:54. >> still to come the royal scandal. >> the latest racy pictures to hit news stands and
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the royal family has found itself in the middle of another photo scandal but this time they are taking legal action. >> the family is suing a french magazine for publishing topless pictures of princess kate that were taken while she and prince w william were on vacation. nbc's ian williams has more on the lawsuit. >> reporter: the royal couple will be taking the legal action under french privacy law. these laws are pretty tough and it does appear that the publication of these photographs is in breach of that law. but the maximum fine, about $60,000, is not terribly high and recent cases have been far less than that. so the magazine may be calculating that they stand to benefit far more by their increase in circulation and the higher profile than any penalty that is eventually imposed on them. royal watchers here in london are saying they've never seen the palace so angry. spokes people describing this as reminiscent of the worst acts of the era against princess diana.
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>> i mean, it is diana all over again really and she is such a lovely woman and she is such a nice person. >> i don't think it's right they should be publishing that kind of thing but given who she is i think anything she does is going to be scrutinized and published. >> reporter: the photographs, which were taken on a long lens during a holiday in the south of france were hawked around london but no publication here has touched them and they're unlikely to. clearly, it's just the french magazine and the royal couple is extremely angry and determined to push this legal action. back to you. >> thank you, ian. >> talking about a long lens there. you know, they thought they were private. it is invasion of privacy. >> you heard fergie come out and say, duchess fergie came out and said the moment you step out of that palace you are public and you have to expect that. >> there is something to be said for that. i can certainly see both sides. >> right. >> it would be nice if we could just let somebody enjoy their


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